Saturday, November 8, 2014

Republican Trolls Are After Connor Freeman

In the video below, the racist YouTuber MrPurpleTie comments that he is tired of being called a racist and puts out a call to his friends to send some trolls my way to flag me.

Well MrPurpleTie, you should stop doing racist things and then people would stop calling you a racist!

Now the reason I wanted people to flag his video was because he was being an idiot in suggesting that Michelle Obama is a man. He is out for vengeance with no purpose and wants his conservative allies to flag me.

Here is a comment one of his followers just left me:
MrPurpleTie is a very respected person in our household, are you just butthurt cause you know he is right??? Grow up man... your just another piece of meat... Take your black power and shove it up your ass...

The video is below:

1 comment:

  1. Pretty proud of this, thanks for sharing.
    Other than that, l hope you find peace and stop trolling.
    Remember we are one race against Satan and his fallen angels.
