Thursday, November 6, 2014

Now Raven Wants to Be Friends with Clifton Rainey

This was a strange video to watch because she was being so nice to Clifton Rainey!

I have a feeling that Clifton is not going to take her pity prayer and play nice since Raven tried to find out his information and get him fired.

She tries to find out the information of every Black man on Youtube and get them fired so her video has me wondering what her motives are for being so nice.

Has the Nappy Ho turned over a new leaf?


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  3. LISTEN! I reached out to him because he was a "human" being in need, NOT BECAUSE OF HIS FUCKING RACE! Stop with this racial shit! I call everyone out on their shit. If a cracker beasts or nigger beasts fucks with me, I WILL PUT THEM OUT ON BLAST! Stop with this racial pride shit, gotta stick together shit. A real person with REAL so called racial pride would never put their "sister" out to dry in their time of need simply cause they disagree and don't like their "cooning". They would help and help them get out the so called "cooning" and not put them down. I think you have bigger issues stemming from identity issues and the whole "black pride" thing is a cover to deny who you really are, and evade your REAL identity that transcends beyond "I am merely black"! I think it all stems from you having identity issues, thus needing to identify with a whole group of people to validate yourself and so thus your identity. Be a fucking INDIVIDUAL and not a skin color (more than likely, you are not even "black", you are, like me, a variation of brown). Stop with this racial bias, territorial shit. Get a life and find yourself: not as a "black" male or as a racial social construct (race was invented by Charles Darwin, a white supremacist but yet you run with the label of race that a white supremacist imposed on your so called "black" ass), but as an individual and member of the human species!
