Thursday, May 1, 2014

YouTube Beefs and Violence

Some people have had real beefs on YouTube but most of the ones I have seen are mostly about cracking jokes on one another or seeing who can come up with the most embarrassing stuff on an individual.

Now when it gets to the level of threatening people with actual violence or fighting, most of these people need to take a step back and reevaluate a few things. Unless someone is threatening you or your family, there should be no room for violence online.

I have seen a few YouTubers call someone a coward because they called the Police on a Youtuber who was threatening violence and came to the persons home. Now in this case, you have to do what makes you feel safe. If calling the Police makes you feel safe then call the Police on the person threatening you. 

In the case of an idiot actually coming to someones home threatening violence, they are risking their life because they do not know how that person might respond or what they might have to protect themselves.

From my perspective, the shit is silly. As mush as I dislike Tommy Sotomayor, you will not see me threatening him with violence or threatening his family with violence. He does say things that make me want to knock the shit out of him but I practice mediation so I have gained a great measure of control over my actions and emotions. I will stick with exposing his every word and action and leave it at that. I will leave the violence to others because I am just a messenger. 

I do not like Tommy Sotomayor but threatening his grandmother and child is completely wrong. I saw a Clifton Rainey video where he said someone called his home and told his mother that they would burn her house down. That type of thing is completely wrong. People can be killed over these types of threats. 

There are a lot of instigators out here who love seeing chaos. Watch who you let into your real life from online because they could be a force of chaos masquerading as a friend. 

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