Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monty Woodgrain's Sad Attempt At Explaining His Criminal Past

I watched one of Monty's videos where he attempted to explain his situation and I have to correct him on a couple of things that he talked about in that video.

In most states, you can get a concealed carry license if you were arrested or have misdemeanors on your record. It depends on the individual state and the laws they have on the books but most states will make you wait a certain time period after your misdemeanor conviction before you can apply for a license.

A felony conviction for violent crimes will usually get your 2nd amendment gun rights stripped from you for a long period of time. If you were convicted of domestic abuse or domestic battery then the Lautenberg Amendment takes effect and you are stripped of your second amendment rights forever.

This is from Wikipedia on the Lautenberg Amendment:
The act bans shipment, transport, ownership and use of guns or ammunition by individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, or who are under a restraining (protection) order for domestic abuse in all 50 states. The act also makes it unlawful to knowingly sell or give a firearm or ammunition to such persons.

Now Monty's new BFF Tommy Sotomayor has a lot of domestic violence charges on his record but I am not sure if he was convicted. If he was convicted, he can no longer own a gun.

Monty talked at length about his past transgression but anyone with a functioning brain can figure out that Monty obviously agreed to some type of deal which involved him paying the fine and doing some type of community service. This still counts as a conviction on Monty's record. That's how that katana of justice person, SnakeLoc, and others were able to find his criminal record. If it was expunged by the courts, the people I mentioned would not have found Monty's criminal record.

What usually happens when people like Tommy and Monty start digging around in other peoples background and criminal history is that karma comes back to bite them in the ass and their true background is revealed to all people.

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