Tuesday, September 2, 2014

White People Cried When Obama was Elected

And I'm not talking about crying tears of joy. Now I do not agree with most of his policies but President Obama, his wife, and family deserve respect from America but they have not received it in all of the years he has been POTUS.

Tommy Sotomayor is a conservative who worships white people and their societies. He even said that he got his start from Rush Limbaugh. Tommy Sotomayor and a lot of Black people like Stacey Dash support conservative political issues.

Here is a documentary called "Right America Feeling Wronged" about the Conservative reaction to Obama's candidacy in 2008 and his eventual election. Pay attention to the first few minutes of the video where those people are acting like the world is going to end. These morons ignore all the damage Bush did from 2000-2008 but want to cry because Obama got elected.

These are the type of people Tommy Sotomayor likes to be around. That MrPurpleTie clown who posted that video about Michelle Obama is the type of person who cried like the idiots in the documentary.

You can watch the documentary below.

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