Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Move Back To Africa

A few years ago after receiving my DNA results which showed that my paternal ancestry goes back to the East Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya region) while my maternal ancestry goes back to West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana region), I was determined to learn more about the whole continent of Africa. I read books and articles on Africa and subscribed to receive newsletters about what is going on in the regions I mentioned above.

Now I believe it is time for me to take it to the next level and visit Africa. I will attempt to take a trip to Africa within the next two years. I have not made a decision on where I will be going but it will be one of the regions I listed in the beginning of this post. I'm also going to start studying the main African language of the region I choose to visit. Within the next 10 years, I would like to apply for citizenship in that nation and help them grow. I am done with voluntarily helping America. For a long time I have felt like this is not my nation and after all of the research I have done, I know for a fact that this is not my nation.

Our language, culture, and way of life was stolen from our ancestors as Europeans wanted to create a completely dependent slave class here in the United States of America. We might not officially be slaves anymore but the majority of Blacks are still dependent on the America system and the European way of life.

Here is a list of the strongest economies in Africa. Even if you do not plan on moving back to Africa, you should consider starting a business and doing business with Africa.

  1. Nigeria
  2. South Africa
  3.  Egypt
  4. Algeria
  5. Angola
  6. Morocco
  7. Sudan
  8. Libya
  9. Ethiopia
  10. Tunisia
  11. Tunisia
  12. Ghana
  13. Tanzania
  14. Cameroon
  15. Ivory Coast

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