Monday, September 1, 2014

Attention Trolls and Shit Starters, I have a job for you

I know how most of you like to argue with each other and troll each other so I am asking you to put your skills to good use and troll the hell out of this YouTuber named MrPurpleTie.

Here is the link to the channel and message box. Click here for MrPurpleTie Channel

This person has went over the line and put up a 20+ minute video about why Michelle Obama is really a man. This idiot argues that only men have a a ring finger that is longer than the index finger which is only partially true.

During the early stages of fetal development, the testosterone level of the fetal environment determines how long the ring finger will be. If the baby is going to be a male, the natural development of male hormones causes  the ring finger to grow longer than the index finger. If there is more estrogen in the fetal environment and this is usually the case with female fetuses then the ring finger will be equal to the index finger or shorter.

What the racist idiot MrPurpleTie fails to recognize is that Black men and women have higher testosterone levels than any race of people on the planet. Now if the Black woman who is carrying the baby has a naturally higher level of testosterone than white or asian women then it makes sense that some Black females might be stronger and more athletic than any other race of women. It also makes sense that Black women might have a longer ring finger since Black women have higher hormone levels than most women.

The idiot in the video makes fun of Michelle's more athletic frame and her longer ring finger but has failed to realize that Blacks in America were bred to be physically stronger by MrPurpleTie's slave holding ancestors.

If you have the time, please troll this individual and/or send them a message through the channel link above. The video that I spoke of is below. Like all cowards, MrPurpleTie turned off the comments.


  1. The crackers is gonna hate cuz black power is back and stronger than ever

  2. Watch and learn you bigot.
    Sincerelely Yours,
    Mr. PurpleTie

    P.S. Trolls make me laugh. lol

  3. Replies

  4. MrPurpleTie is a very respected person in our household, are you just butthurt cause you know he is right??? Grow up man... your just another piece of meat... Take your black power and shove it up your ass...

  5. Not even worth a thought
