Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What Does Connor Freeman Believe in?

I believe in One God but I am not a member of any religion. I believe that religion is designed to control and manipulate the masses but I have no problem being friends with people of any religion. Just be ready for some interesting debates with me.

I believe that Black people are the original race of the planet earth. I want to see Black people as a community thrive in the Americas and I want to see all Black African nations on top of the world from an economic and political standpoint.

African Renaissance Statue in Senegal
I support a traditional family structure of man, woman, and children. I believe that the man and woman should work together to create a strong family bond and ensure the economic and moral growth of their family.

I did vote for Obama in 2008 but as I researched his background and political history, I determined that he is nothing more that a puppet of the owners of the Federal Reserve bank and Israel. He does not have the interests of Black people in mind and this has been demonstrated by his constant support for illegal Mexican immigrants to America and the homosexual political agenda and lack of support for Black people and pro-Black initiatives.

Black people vote at a rate of over 90% for Democrats and Obama yet the true voice of Black America is never heard. I am not a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian. I cannot stand the overt and covert racist tactics of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, The Tea Party, and the Republican Party.

I am originally from Chicago Illinois. During my 20s, I traveled the USA every summer and I have seen the whole nation. I am now in my late 30s. I have been married once and got a divorce a few years ago.

My personal hero is Malcolm X because he always spoke the truth and died for what he believed in.

I do not believe in dating white people. I see the current population of white people as the descendants of the people who caused chaos all over the world and enslaved millions of Africans. Why would I want to fuck the descendants of the people who enslaved my people?

I do not find white women attractive and I also do not find Black women who try to emulate white women attractive. This is the type of woman I find attractive

I love a woman who takes pride in her natural beauty and shows the world Black women are the most beautiful women on the planet.

If I missed anything, feel free to ask and don't be offended if we disagree on something. It is ok to disagree on some things but we cannot disagree on the need for Black Power and Unity.

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