Saturday, June 21, 2014

The United States Government Is Not Your Friend Black People!

The United States has cut financial and military aid to Uganda because of new laws that Uganda has enacted against homosexuality. This once again proves that this government and their puppet Barack Obama puts everyone else before Black or African peoples. You can watch the video below to learn more about this issue but this is how the USA operates. If you don't go along with their immoral positions, they will cut all aid to your nation.

The U.S. government has put the gay rights agenda, amnesty for illegal alien Mexicans, women's rights and everything you can name before even hearing the agenda of Blacks in America & worldwide.

I'm sure I will lose some people over this but I do not give a shit. If you can't stomach a different perspective or opinion on certain issues then I don't want to have anything to do with you anyway.

I do not care what people do behind closed doors because that is their business but I do not support the LGBT political agenda because it undermines the family unit and brainwashes people into believing that sexuality is a civil rights issue worth protesting, marching, and dying over. I am really offended when they compare their supposed struggle with what Blacks have been through in America.

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