Friday, October 24, 2014

Please Report This Blog For Harassment -- Signed a Nappy Hoe


This dumb whore is now claiming that I said she had HIV when I said it was a rumor on a blog.

That Syphilis must be fucking with her brain!

Raven I do not want you!

Why would I want a nasty, self-hating whore when the world is full of women without your mental issues!?!?

This woman is clearly delusional and is damn near close to a mental breakdown!

Here is a screenshot of Raven telling everyone where she lives and daring them to confront her

Raven said that she has done nothing to me but she has done a lot. I'm a Black man and she hates me because her male family members molested her. She posts the job information of Black men she does not like and tries to get them fired from their jobs. If she had my information, I'm sure she would call my job and try to get me fired. This woman has stated that there should be a George Zimmerman for every Black man in America.

When Raven stops harassing Black men, I will stop posting blog posts about her.

Here is her little rant about me:

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