Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Black Authority Has To Play Chess Not Checkers

I firmly stand by my belief that Tommy Sotomayor is a con man, coon, and a thief. Tim Alexander has came out and said that he will be helping Tommy make his documentary so if I am proven wrong, I have no problem with being proven wrong. I will not be going into hiding or banning people from my channel or blog. Real men can handle being wrong and move on with their life.

The Black Authority did well with his Lie Machine video on Tommy Sotomayor. It should have ended there for The Black Authority. TBA raised over $90,000 for his own documentary so his focus should be on creating that documentary so the message gets out. TBA destroyed Tommy in the Lie Machine video so there was no need to restart the beef. Let Tommy be the drama queen coon he is and he will eventually destroy himself.

The lesson that should be learned from this is that Tommy is a deceptive snake who likes hyping up the drama and playing mind games. TBA should have seen this and went the other way when the coon train conductor started baiting him. Black folks on YouTube love beef and if you are truly about helping them take the red pill, you should focus on that and not respond to feint moves by people who will try to derail you and your agenda.

I have said from day one that the purpose of this blog is to document what Tommy (and other coons) says and does so that people who do not know about him and his cooning will have a place of reference. I took all screen shots directly from his Facebook posts and there are videos on my channel of him telling us how much he loathes Black people.

My message to the Black Authority is focus on what you do best and don't get into video beefs with the coons and House Negroes that will try to bait you. I sometimes get caught up in the drama as well and this blog starts to resemble some type of Black TMZ when I do get caught up but I am planning on correcting that in the future.

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