Monday, October 27, 2014

Raven Is A Dumb House Negro Who Believes Anything

Raven asked someone on one of her videos to trace this IP address

Someone in her comments section claimed they traced the IP address to Alabama and then said that it was probably Kevin Smith stalking TheHappyHooker83.

I did my own little traceroute and the IP address goes back to Google servers in Mountain View California and not Alabama.

My TraceRoute of the IP Address
Raven has a legitimate webpage with tools at her disposal to track the IP addresses of those people that visit her webpage and she cannot figure out how to use those tools to serve her purposes. Not only is she a filthy, house negro whore but she's a dumb whore!

Let me help you out Raven since you need some help.

Go to accessories in Windows and look for an application called the command prompt.

When that prompt comes up type in tracert before the IP address.

For example: tracert

This traces the path of the packet from your machine to the IP address.

Raven does this type of thing all the time where she wants someone to trace or hunt down the information of someone she hates. The only problem is that people in the comments give her bad information and lead her dumb ass further down the wrong rabbit hole.

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